Joseph ConradLegal All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind. – Joseph Conrad Ambitions Quotes Climb Quotes Credulities Quotes Lawful Quotes Legal Quotes Mankind Quotes Miseries Quotes Upward Quotes Judges should decide legal disputes. Judges should not make law. Though I had come into the world on 16 November 1922, my official documents show that I was born two days later, on the 18th. It was thanks to this petty fraud that my family escaped from paying the fine for not having registered my birth at the proper legal time.
Angus King I’ve come to realize that an unencumbered U.S. senator is a profound threat to the whole system. It’s somebody that they can’t put in a box and say, ‘Oh, well, we know how this guy is going to vote.’ – Angus King
Chris Squire The other guys and myself have agreed that Billy Sherwood will do an excellent job of covering my parts, and the show as a whole will deliver the same Yes experience that our fans have come to expect over the years. – Chris Squire
AmazingDadTom DeLonge My dad has had a rare form of leukemia since I was in about 7th grade. But they’ve come up with some amazing drugs since then and he’s doing really well today. – Tom DeLonge
Giada De Laurentiis My biggest bit of advice would be to spend some time actually helping caterers or Chefs, even if it has to be for free or as an intern of culinary externship. It helps immerse yourself in what you potentially want to do. – Giada De Laurentiis
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