Kenneth Fisher All equity categories, correctly calculated, create near-identical lifelong returns. They just get there via wildly differing paths. – Kenneth Fisher Calculated Quotes Categories Quotes Correctly Quotes Create Quotes Differing Quotes Equity Quotes Lifelong Quotes Nearidentical Quotes Paths Quotes Returns Quotes Wildly Quotes Back in the ’60s and ’70s, data were scarce, and while analysts knew that companies with fat gross margins lagged those with thin gross margins early in bull markets – and overachieved in the later phases – they couldn’t do much about it. Over rolling long periods, U.S. and non-U.S. stocks tend to equalize.
Michael Moore I’m not a pundit. I’m not an analyst. I don’t want to participate in the existing debate that’s going on about whether or not you should be able to have as many guns as you want to have or that guns are even the problem. – Michael Moore
Richard Hayne At a mall you can almost get frostbite, it’s so boring. Looking different is worth a lot. – Richard Hayne
Maria Cornejo Maggie Gyllenhaal, Chelsea Handler, Tilda Swinton, and Sofia Coppola are other clients. They’re all risk takers but never look like they’re in costume. – Maria Cornejo
Isa GuhaKnowledge I don’t have much knowledge about Indian culture, but I try to keep a tab of what’s happening down here. – Isa Guha
Jim Ramstad As American taxpayers know too well, the tax code is incredibly complex and compliance is all to expensive. – Jim Ramstad
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