FleaPoetry All I knew about Ethiopia was from a few records that I like, as well as what I read about the famine. But you get there and it’s another world. It’s filled with art and music and poetry and intellectuals and writers – all kinds of people. – Flea Art Quotes Ethiopia Quotes Famine Quotes Filled Quotes Intellectuals Quotes Kinds Quotes Music Quotes People Quotes Poetry Quotes Read Quotes Records Quotes Writers Quotes Painting (like poetry) chooses from universals what is most apposite. It brings together, in a single imaginary being, circumstances and characteristics which occur in nature in many different persons. What does that represent? There was never any question in plastic art, in poetry, in music, of representing anything. It is a matter of making something beautiful, moving, or dramatic – this is by no means the same thing.
Josh Holloway Even in the middle of tragedy, we find moments of humor, moments of tenderness, of simple happiness. – Josh Holloway
Matt Duffer If you were to encounter something from another world or dimension, it would be beyond comprehension. – Matt Duffer
James Fenton Some people think that English poetry begins with the Anglo-Saxons. I don’t, because I can’t accept that there is any continuity between the traditions of Anglo-Saxon poetry and those established in English poetry by the time of, say, Shakespeare. And anyway, Anglo-Saxon is a different language, which has to be learned. – James Fenton
Bob Odenkirk My experience – and it might be just the kind of comedy that I do, which is usually sketch comedy – is that there’s a lot more texture and subplot in drama than in comedy. – Bob Odenkirk
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