Sofia Richie All of my friends are like, ‘Look at me when I was a little kid. I was so cute!’ and it’s a picture of them in a tutu. I’m so terrified to show them my pictures, because it’s me in boy shorts and a ponytail and my brother’s shirt. – Sofia Richie Boy Quotes Brothers Quotes Cute Quotes Friends Quotes Kid Quotes Picture Quotes Pictures Quotes Ponytail Quotes Shirt Quotes Shorts Quotes Terrified Quotes Tutu Quotes I never really thought I would make a blog myself. When I was 10, I would only shop in the guys’ section at the Gap.
Bibi Bourelly My music comes from heartbreak – from feeling what it’s like to lose everything and not being able to express it through words because it doesn’t make sense. – Bibi Bourelly
TeacherXun Kuang When people lack teachers, their tendencies are not corrected; when they do not have ritual and moral principles, then their lawlessness is not controlled. – Xun Kuang
Kenneth Langone Home Depot has never hired one human being for minimum wage, not one. We have always paid a premium over minimum wage. – Kenneth Langone
Otis Blackwell I got behind that pencil and nothing happened for many years, but since they put me in the Songwriters Hall of Fame, I’ve turned around. I took a good look at myself and said, I think it’s time to get back at work. – Otis Blackwell
Mike Barnicle Race is the San Andreas Fault of our culture as well as our history. Its fissures are forever present and not that far beneath the surface of every day life. To deny that is to risk being labeled delusional. – Mike Barnicle
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