John Cooper Clarke All the best musicians started out in church; Jesus invented rock ‘n’ roll. – John Cooper Clarke Church Quotes Invented Quotes Jesus Quotes Musicians Quotes Rock Quotes Roll Quotes Started Quotes To approach a poem as if it is a puzzle to be understood is to miss the point. A much underrated garment, the jegging: they never need ironing and they hold their colour.
Robert C O'Brien Modern warfare is increasingly expeditionary and requires platforms with extended range, flexibility and endurance. – Robert C O’Brien
David LammyFamilyGoodStrength A good life depends on the strength of our relationships with family, friends, neighbours, colleagues and strangers. – David Lammy
David Dinkins So it’s a mistake for someone to think that they bailed New York out. They did assist us, for which we are grateful, but it’s a mistake to say we bailed New York out by giving them a grant of money to help those poor people who throw it away on welfare. – David Dinkins
Curt Siodmak A bath and a tenderloin steak. Those are the high points of a man’s life. – Curt Siodmak
Robert M La Follette If there is no sufficient reason for war, the war party will make war on one pretext, then invent another… after the war is on. – Robert M La Follette
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