Robert Walpole All those men have their price. – Robert Walpole Price Quotes Some members of both Houses have, it is true, been removed from their employments under the Crown; but were they ever told, either by me or by any other of his majesty’s servants, that it was for opposing the measures of the administration in Parliament? Let sleeping dogs lie.
Cassandra Wilson I’ve often cringed when I heard myself described as a jazz singer. I’ve always thought of myself as a jazz vocalist. – Cassandra Wilson
Ethel Waters Basically there is no difference between whites and blacks, browns and yellows. I decided to think no more of people as Northerners and Southerners. – Ethel Waters
John Knoll Imagine a ‘Mission: Impossible’-style spy or infiltration mission into the core, the very heart of the Empire’s military-industrial complex, the most secure facility in the Empire. You have a small band of experts with complementary skills who, together, are able to do these amazing things. – John Knoll
Superstar Billy Graham I used to live in Tampa and I loved the times I worked in Florida. It was shortly after wrestling in Florida that I went up to New York and became the champion. – Superstar Billy Graham
Simon Rattle The necessity for rules and strictness is a way of dealing with an enormously powerful impulse: Germans are among the most emotional people on the planet. Maybe it has to do with the fact that, as a nation, they are always drawn back to nature and the forest. – Simon Rattle
Michael Shermer Myths are stories that express meaning, morality or motivation. Whether they are true or not is irrelevant. – Michael Shermer
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