Jesse Kellerman All writers start out mimicking other writers. I’ve never relinquished that. I have a good ear for speech and writing patterns. – Jesse Kellerman Ear Quotes Mimicking Quotes Patterns Quotes Relinquished Quotes Speech Quotes Start Quotes Writers Quotes Writing Quotes The final product in a play is not just the written word. It’s the production, the performance. The script is, of course, a very important piece; but it’s only one element. Ultimately, yours is one of several voices. People can change your work in a play for better or worse. I had some experience writing collaboratively when I wrote for the theatre.
Barbara Kruger I think that art is still a site for resistance and for the telling of various stories, for validating certain subjectivities we normally overlook. I’m trying to be affective, to suggest changes, and to resist what I feel are the tyrannies of social life on a certain level. – Barbara Kruger
Delphine Arnault I’m quite discreet. I think I’d rather focus on my work. So, I only speak when I have something to say. ‘Live hidden, and live happy.’ Is that the same in English as it is in French? – Delphine Arnault
Paolo Nutini Politicians have an arrogance that I just do not understand. I’ve seen more constructive debates in high school. – Paolo Nutini
Andrew Rosenthal I long ago lost track of the number of times the Obama administration has assured everyone that its vacuum-cleaner approach to electronic surveillance does not threaten the privacy or the rights of Americans. – Andrew Rosenthal
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