Michael O'Rielly Allowing staff to dictate frameworks and policy outcomes without appropriate checks by elected leaders has corrosive effects. – Michael O’Rielly Allowing Quotes Checks Quotes Corrosive Quotes Dictate Quotes Effects Quotes Elected Quotes Frameworks Quotes Leaders Quotes Outcomes Quotes Policy Quotes Staff Quotes Preventing staff from having too much influence and decision-making power is fairly easy. Appropriate procedural safeguards can be installed to prevent staff from, among other things, self-dealing, making decisions in an isolated manner, or committing funds without oversight. While I originally sought broader reforms to the Kid Vid regulations, what we have ended up with is a reasoned and balanced compromise. In the end, this effort takes modest but important steps toward a freer television market, and it’s a deal for which nearly all sides can claim some measure of victory, especially the children.
Ravish Kumar The language of our democracy should be such that the weakest in our society should feel safe. – Ravish Kumar
EnvironmentalJohn GaramendiNature Mother Nature comes up against reality, and the reality is that the system doesn’t work. – John Garamendi
Daphne du Maurier When one is writing a novel in the first person, one must be that person. – Daphne du Maurier
Jack Nicklaus You have to trust your kids. They have to experience life, and you just hope you’ve provided them a foundation for what’s right and what isn’t. – Jack Nicklaus
Andy Richter The basic equation that mystified me as a young man was looking at guys who could actually get girls. I was always amazed, because they never seemed to care. I was like, ‘How do they do that?’ – Andy Richter
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