Jill Abramson Although I believe the Web has greatly increased the distribution of quality news, I do worry about those who don’t have Internet access. – Jill Abramson Access Quotes Distribution Quotes Greatly Quotes Increased Quotes Internet Quotes News Quotes Quality Quotes Worry Quotes As a big user of public libraries, I deplore the cutbacks they have had to sustain. I don’t pretend I know everything.
Adam Dell The massive migration from dumb phones to smart phones is a great opportunity for young companies to take advantage of. – Adam Dell
Daniella Alonso I actually take karate and tae-kwon-do. And so I love sparring and grappling and all that physical stuff. I studied a hybrid form of grappling, sparring, and self defense; it’s more of a ‘get yourself in shape,’ and if you want to take it to the next level, so you’re really learning valuable skills with self defense, and I really enjoy it. – Daniella Alonso
Cate Blanchett Suddenly, my friend’s daughters are becoming my best friends. I have so many 12-year-old girlfriends. – Cate Blanchett
David Draiman Many people have eclectic tastes. Many people like to listen to all kinds of different music. I mean, I do; I’ll listen to many different styles inside a day, a week, a month, a year. It doesn’t matter. – David Draiman
A J Odudu I looked different, I had different skin, my hair was different, so I would get called names in school. It would always be reflective of what my hair and skin looked like. – A J Odudu
Karch Kiraly The sand is so bright in Clearwater, you can go snow-blind. In fact, Clearwater and Brazil are the only places where I felt like passing out from heat stroke. – Karch Kiraly
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