FamousTom Sizemore Although I get so much fan mail from Great Britain, tell me, am I more famous there than Michael Madsen? – Tom Sizemore Britain Quotes Famous Quotes Fan Quotes Madsen Quotes Mail Quotes Michael Quotes There has been a time on earth when poets had been young and dead and famous – and were men. But now the poet as the tragic child of grandeur and destiny had changed. The child of genius was a woman, now, and the man was gone. The idea of being famous is a lot better than the reality.
Emma GoldmanHistoryMenWomen The history of progress is written in the blood of men and women who have dared to espouse an unpopular cause, as, for instance, the black man’s right to his body, or woman’s right to her soul. – Emma Goldman
Jeremy Piven Unless an entire row of people got up in the middle of a performance and left the theater in disgust, I felt as though I hadn’t done my job. – Jeremy Piven
Howard Schultz Social and digital media is a bullet train, and that bullet train is not coming home. – Howard Schultz
Cory Booker I was born after the Civil Rights Movement. I never saw Martin Luther King alive. – Cory Booker
Dave Davies I have always worked with energy. Everything is energy. Buddhism. Christ teachings. These are foundation stones for a spiritual life. – Dave Davies
Lil B I’m a fan of hip-hop as a whole, period. I love hip-hop. I look at it as a study and I love it. – Lil B
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