Michelle Alexander Although our rules and laws are now officially colorblind, they operate to discriminate in a grossly disproportionate fashion. – Michelle Alexander Colorblind Quotes Discriminate Quotes Disproportionate Quotes Fashion Quotes Grossly Quotes Laws Quotes Officially Quotes Operate Quotes Rules Quotes The extraordinary nature of individual black achievement in formerly white domain certainly does suggest that the old Jim Crow is dead, but it doesn’t necessarily mean the end of racial caste – if history is any guide, it may have just taken a different form. Once labeled a felon, you are ushered into a parallel social universe. You can be denied the right to vote, automatically excluded from juries, and legally discriminated against in employment, housing, access to education and public benefits – forms of discrimination that we supposedly left behind.
Peter O'Toole Actors have to stay optimistic. The moment we start thinking otherwise, we’re dead. – Peter O’Toole
Justin Rose I was 21 when my dad passed away and I always think about it, as the time together we had was quality not quantity. – Justin Rose
June Jordan Language is political. That’s why you and me, my Brother and Sister, that’s why we supposed to choke our natural self into the weird, lying, barbarous, unreal, white speech and writing habits that the schools lay down like holy law. – June Jordan
Francis LawrenceTravel I think the movie business and film crews are a little bit like the circus, in that we travel around like a pack and we’re a big family for a finite period of time. We roll into someplace, cause a bunch of damage, and then roll out. – Francis Lawrence
Helen George I’m not sure you can lindy hop to ‘We’re All In This Together,’ but I’m sure the nuns would welcome Zac Efron round for tea! – Helen George
Natalie Dormer I couldn’t pick just one defining breakthrough role. I like to think that they’re all a part of me. – Natalie Dormer
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