Ali Bongo Ondimba Although we live in a safe and stable country, Central Africa as a region has been held back by seemingly perpetual conflict – over power, resources, and who controls them. – Ali Bongo Ondimba Africa Quotes Central Quotes Conflict Quotes Controls Quotes Country Quotes Held Quotes Live Quotes Perpetual Quotes Power Quotes Region Quotes Resources Quotes Safe Quotes Seemingly Quotes Stable Quotes My government has taken significant measures to enable the rise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in our country. I’ve decided with the full agreement of my wife Sylvia Bongo Ondimba and my children that my share of the inheritance will be shared with all Gabonese youth because in my eyes, we are all heirs of Omar Bongo Ondimba.
Adam F Goldberg I am a Gobot junkie, and I pitched the Gobots movie as an animated movie a few years ago, and we’re trying to work something out now that the rights are cleared. But that’s my dream project, besides ‘The Goldbergs’ – doing a Gobots movie. – Adam F Goldberg
Alvaro Morata Every player wants to be at Real Madrid, of course. I fought my entire life to be at the club, but only in the starting line-up. – Alvaro Morata
Annamie Paul I joined the Green Party because I believe it to be the most progressive party in Canadian politics and offering the most progressive policies and to be constantly working toward a more just and equitable society. – Annamie Paul
Ellie Goulding I can fall in love in a simple way, but I can dissect it in such an intense fashion when it ends. – Ellie Goulding
Astrid Berges-Frisbey When I’m working on my characters, that’s something I pay a lot of attention to: how their body works, how they move, how they articulate. – Astrid Berges-Frisbey
Jana Kramer I’m kind of a gypsy, so I love living out of a suitcase and going from place to place meeting people. – Jana Kramer
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