Michele Ferrero Always do something different from the others. – Michele Ferrero Quotes Never patronize a child.
FriendshipGreatKatherine Mansfield I always felt that the great high privilege, relief and comfort of friendship was that one had to explain nothing. – Katherine Mansfield
Robert Dallek McGeorge Bundy was a brilliant man who’d had a meteoric academic career and was the youngest man ever to be dean of the Harvard faculty. But he was also arrogant and looked upon all sorts of people and politicians as not to be taken all that seriously. – Robert Dallek
Sarah Weinman True-crime shows and podcasts aren’t the only ones flattening the complexity of forensic science into easy-to-grasp narratives: journalists do so, too. They say DNA or trace evidence ‘matches’ a suspect, when scientists can’t be so definitive. – Sarah Weinman
Curt Smith I think people forget even though we were labelled a synth band because of ‘The Hurting,’ but keyboards are not our native instruments. Roland’s a guitar player and I’m a bass player. – Curt Smith
Caroline Buchanan In BMX, you need an inner mongrel, something that’s a point of difference in the female category. – Caroline Buchanan
Peter Bart Michael Eisner let it be known last week that he had no intention of leaving the entertainment business once he steps down as CEO of Disney in October. – Peter Bart
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