Michele Ferrero Always do something different from the others. – Michele Ferrero Quotes Never patronize a child.
Allen West I spent 22 years in the United States military, so I’m a pretty strategic level thinker. – Allen West
John Tiffany Austerity has led us to a terrible philosophy where we think we’ve got to cut back on everything that’s ‘frippery’, like the arts. – John Tiffany
Douglas FairbanksJr I had no particular desire to be a personality like my father, nor was I equipped to be one. I was determined to be my own man, although having the Fairbanks name did make it easier to get into an office to see someone. – Douglas Fairbanks, Jr
Brad Pitt What we’re seeing now is that greed is still alive and kicking, and banks are bigger than ever. – Brad Pitt
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