Fala Chen America has taken small baby steps of progress towards having more inclusion and diversity in Hollywood. It’s optimistic. – Fala Chen America Quotes Baby Quotes Diversity Quotes Hollywood Quotes Inclusion Quotes Optimistic Quotes Progress Quotes Steps Quotes I was about nine or 10 when my dad moved to the U.S. to get another degree. Me and my mother moved to Atlanta to join him when I was 14. My dad and I would go to Blockbuster and look for Asian films and we could never find any. If we saw a Jackie Chan movie we would watch that because it was so comforting to see a face similar to ours.
Abby Johnson While I am a pro-life woman, I am also a woman who is concerned about rights for the disabled, maternity leave, the death penalty, health care, domestic violence, breastfeeding rights, etc. – Abby Johnson
MedicalMyron Rolle We are trained to be medical doctors first and if you have to put neurosurgery aside to deal with the most vulnerable and susceptible patients, then that’s what we’ll do. – Myron Rolle
George Packer Much of the international unease with the Sochi Games has focused on the threat of terrorism, Putin’s domestic repressiveness, and the Russian campaign of anti-gay propaganda. – George Packer
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita Pretty much, you point to a problem and good reasoning about why people are doing what they are doing and what constraints they face in terms of how others will behave, and you’re looking at a problem that could be improved upon by game-theoretic reasoning. – Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
Richard Herring I really like ‘Community.’ I like the way they’re allowed to have a week when they go crazy and use stop-frame animation or a different pastiche. There’s an episode with a fake clip show. – Richard Herring
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