Ryszard Kapuscinski Amin hid nothing. Everybody knew everything. Yet the American Senate only introduced a resolution breaking off trade with Amin three months before his overthrow. – Ryszard Kapuscinski American Quotes Amin Quotes Breaking Quotes Introduced Quotes Months Quotes Overthrow Quotes Resolution Quotes Senate Quotes Trade Quotes Amin knew that neither West nor East would criticize him for fear that he would support the other side. He felt he was untouchable and he said so openly. Do not be misled by the fact that you are at liberty and relatively free; that for the moment you are not under lock and key: you have simply been granted a reprieve.
Lynne Truss I hate to be treated as if I’m invisible. I get incensed when people talk across me or refuse to catch my eye in a restaurant or shop. – Lynne Truss
Dave Mustaine The Bible and several other self help or enlightenment books cite the Seven Deadly Sins. They are: pride, greed, lust, envy, wrath, sloth, and gluttony. That pretty much covers everything that we do, that is sinful… or fun for that matter. – Dave Mustaine
Katarina Witt I never really like to skate in an empty ice rink; I always need the attention of an audience. – Katarina Witt
Carlos Ghosn I always loved cars. I don’t know why, I can’t explain it to you. It has always been with me. – Carlos Ghosn
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