Marian Seldes An actress spends a lifetime observing people. You build up a mental library. No, not a library. Make that a repository. – Marian Seldes Actress Quotes Build Quotes Library Quotes Lifetime Quotes Mental Quotes Observing Quotes People Quotes Repository Quotes Spends Quotes Unfortunately, there are mental invalids of every age who exist on other people’s terms. It’s lazy for older persons to let others make up their minds for them. People have to overcome that. I would hate to think of the theatre world without critics. Without them, we’d not have the record of each season.
Jerry Rice I think I’m more muscular now than when I played football. I’m working hard on it. So many athletes just let themselves go after they stop competing. That was something I didn’t want to do. – Jerry Rice
Dion Waiters As a human being, as a person, you can’t make a decision based on what other people are going to think. – Dion Waiters
Anthony Lewis There are values of humanity, culture, beauty, community that may require deviations from the cold logic of market theory. – Anthony Lewis
Mindy Grossman I love hidden things. When you buy something with quality, you like the inside to be as beautiful as the outside. Nobody’s going to see it, but you know it’s there. – Mindy Grossman
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