Sophie An experimental idea doesn’t have to be separated from a mainstream context. The really exciting thing is where those two things are together. That’s where you can get real change. – Sophie Change Quotes Context Quotes Exciting Quotes Experimental Quotes Idea Quotes Mainstream Quotes Real Quotes Separated Quotes I think being completely authentic about the time you live in is something that I would view as a career-long objective – to find out what is authentically this moment. I’m always trying to encapsulate how we, as emotional beings, interact with the world and the machines and technology around us – being able to emote through those things. They’re not antithetical or mutually exclusive.
Corey Harrison I wake up at 5:30 in the morning, get to the Pawn Shop at six, work out for two hours, film until seven at night. – Corey Harrison
Michael Chandler Benson is a champion. I’d be lying to you if I said I wasn’t scared to death inside this cage, stepping into the cage with that monster. – Michael Chandler
Nancy Johnson We usually use that mostly on the weekends because we have access to the range during the week. But I can tell you a number of times they have had a training holiday at Fort Benning, so nobody trains, and to drag him in is like pulling teeth. – Nancy Johnson
Keith Barry You see guys going up to girls in bars and saying, ‘Oh, can I show you a trick?’ It’s a tool. I find it kind of sad; it breaks my heart a little bit. They should try to use their own personalities. It sort of smacks of using magic as a crutch, which is not what it should be. – Keith Barry
Hank JohnsonLearning Most Americans have parents or grandparents who immigrated to this country, and we know the hardships they faced, from learning the language to dealing with prejudice. – Hank Johnson
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