Ken Auletta An important reason Google is usually listed among the world’s most trusted brands is that it conveys a sense that the user comes first. – Ken Auletta Brands Quotes Conveys Quotes Google Quotes Listed Quotes Reason Quotes Sense Quotes Trusted Quotes User Quotes Worlds Quotes Among the enduring truths I keep bumping into when there is the luxury of time to get to know people or institutions, is that their decisions are often made for what are not, strictly speaking, reasons of logic. Passion without focus can lead you astray.
John Redwood The library is seen as a force for self improvement and the pursuit of knowledge. I fear that in many cases this is no longer true, if it ever was. – John Redwood
Jackson Wang As much as I love learning about other cultures, I also love to share my culture, our culture as Chinese, as Asians to the other side of the world, you know? – Jackson Wang
Kendall Jenner I think social media has taken over for our generation. It’s a big part of our lives, and it’s kind of sad. – Kendall Jenner
Mark Waters My first inkling that I might have a yen for directing came when I realized I enjoyed creating plays for my various sports teams more than I actually liked playing the game. – Mark Waters
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