Padgett Powell An indigo snake leaves a lasting impression. – Padgett Powell Impression Quotes Indigo Quotes Lasting Quotes Leaves Quotes Snake Quotes Travel writing is harrowing. You are in paradise, more or less, having to prove it is paradise. It is hard to have a good time trying to figure out a way to say you are having a good time, whether you are having it or not, even in paradise. As a boy, I was a member of a club run by the famous reptile showman Ross Allen, and the club sent its members pseudoscientific papers mimeographed on construction paper with a three-hole punch.
Edie Falco It’s a very complicated issue, this fame thing – I was not really cut out for it. There are some really fantastic things about it, but it’s difficult for a private person like myself. – Edie Falco
Nick Szabo There’s a strong distinction to be made between dry code smart contacts and wet code’s physical law. So law is based on our minds, our wetware – it’s based on analogy. The law is more flexible; software is more rigid. Various laws tend to be batched in jurisdictional silos. Software tends to be independent. – Nick Szabo
Guru Randhawa Wherever you go, your memories from the place you grew up in always remain special. – Guru Randhawa
Parvathy From my personal experience, I’ve put on and lost weight according to each character’s requirement, which has taken a toll on my health. – Parvathy
CommunicationManuel Neuer Sometimes you can say it is boring being in goal, but what is important is I am in communication with the defence. – Manuel Neuer
Jeremy Stephens Some days you show up and just get crushed, and other days you do the crushing. – Jeremy Stephens
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