Augustine Birrell An ordinary man can surround himself with two thousand books and thenceforward have at least one place in the world in which it is possible to be happy. – Augustine Birrell Books Quotes Happy Quotes Ordinary Quotes Surround Quotes Thenceforward Quotes History is the great dust-heap… a pageant and not a philosophy. Libraries are not made, they grow.
Gaten Matarazzo I’m a kid who grew up in a small town and started acting when he was seven for no reason and got lucky. Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming. I feel like some people, especially child stars, act out because they don’t know how to handle the pressure. – Gaten Matarazzo
George Clarke Although they’re often associated with period properties, shutters look the part in all types of homes and I love them! – George Clarke
Dalton Trumbo One of the disadvantages of being a patrician is that occasionally you’re obliged to act like one. – Dalton Trumbo
Sanaa Lathan When you’re on a set it can be very tedious and slow. It’s just not as big as when you see it on film. – Sanaa Lathan
DietOusmane Dembele Diet is essential for a player, and I have to look after myself. – Ousmane Dembele
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