Harold Pinter Analysis I take to be a scientific procedure. What I do is creative. It doesn’t spring from the same part of the mind. – Harold Pinter Analysis Quotes Creative Quotes Mind Quotes Procedure Quotes Scientific Quotes Spring Quotes Truth in drama is forever elusive. You never quite find it, but the search for it is compulsive. The search is clearly what drives the endeavour. The search is your task. One’s life has many compartments.
James Toney I told Dana my goal is to hold the heavyweight championship of the UFC and in boxing at the same time. – James Toney
Kenneth Lonergan The theater is often seen as comical in the movies; to me, it’s not comical – it’s my life. I don’t mean that it can’t be comical, but it’s not only comical. – Kenneth Lonergan
Cynthia Weil Although I like the work I’ve done in the past, I like what I’m writing now even more. – Cynthia Weil
Sarah Brightman I don’t force myself to exercise; I find going to gyms really boring. I find it easier to go for a fast walk or a jog in Central Park. I wear sensible shoes because my ballet dancing left me with a bunion on one foot after all the pointe exercises. – Sarah Brightman
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