Michael Stipe And I don’t expect anyone can bring about a revolution in the way that Bob Dylan did – and really didn’t – in the 1960s. – Michael Stipe Bob Quotes Bring Quotes Dylan Quotes Expect Quotes Revolution Quotes Because the casual music listeners are the ones who turn on the radio and they don’t really care what’s playing, they just know that they kinda like it or it’s easy to drive to or it’s easy to sing along to or whatever. There are people that very strongly identify themselves as gay and then lesbian, and then I think there are a lot of people who are kind of some percentage or some version of that.
Daniel Libeskind The foreign press seems obsessed with the Freedom Tower, as if it was the only thing going on here. In fact, we’re trying to keep a huge juggling act in balance, with the tower as just one of the many balls in play. – Daniel Libeskind
Alfred Korzybski There are two ways to slice easily thorugh life; to believe everything or to doubt everything. Both ways save us from thinking. – Alfred Korzybski
Corinne Bailey Rae We went to Baptist church as a family, and that took up so many nights a week. – Corinne Bailey Rae
Martin Cooper I have a mantra that people are naturally, fundamentally and inherently mobile. – Martin Cooper
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