John Irving And I find – I’m 63, and my capacity to be by myself and just spend time by myself hasn’t diminished any. That’s the necessary part of being a writer, you better like being alone. – John Irving Capacity Quotes Diminished Quotes Spend Quotes Time Quotes Writer Quotes I don’t begin a novel or a screenplay until I know the ending. And I don’t mean only that I have to know what happens. I mean that I have to hear the actual sentences. I have to know what atmosphere the words convey. And I don’t want to begin something, I don’t want to write that first sentence until all the important connections in the novel are known to me. As if the story has already taken place, and it’s my responsibility to put it in the right order to tell it to you.
Stephen Gardiner It was only from an inner calm that man was able to discover and shape calm surroundings. – Stephen Gardiner
Oliver Burke Alaves were very keen on me and I was very keen for another adventure. It doesn’t really faze me moving to another country. – Oliver Burke
Stephen Covey If we keep doing what we’re doing, we’re going to keep getting what we’re getting. – Stephen Covey
Jean-Luc Godard The Rolling Stones are much more accomplished than Jefferson Airplane, who are more like tribal people. That is, they present something which exists: The music and the hippie. – Jean-Luc Godard
FoodJason Kelce I’m a big fan of the beard oil. It really keeps it soft. I use the beard wash too because my wife is really on me to make sure there’s not all types of bacteria and food left up in there. – Jason Kelce
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