Ben Elton And roast beef and Yorkshire pudding is my personal signature dish. – Ben Elton Beef Quotes Dish Quotes Personal Quotes Pudding Quotes Roast Quotes Signature Quotes Yorkshire Quotes I’m lucky because the strongest emotion I have ever felt is being in love, and that definitely informs my writing. We’ve all got to look at ourselves, start with yourself, that’s all you can do. I believe that we can act responsibly as a group, it’s just that there are vested interests telling us not to bother.
Greg Iles A tourist will just walk up to a Natchezian on the street and ask, ‘Where does Greg Iles live?’ And they’ll say, ‘Oh, right over there; just go knock on the door.’ I’ve had people just walk into my office, walk into my house like it’s a museum just open to the public. – Greg Iles
Stephen Collins In Hawaii, we go to this wonderful place, all families. My wife and I go directly from breakfast to a beach chair where we read all day. My daughter goes from water to pool to running around with friends she meets, some of whom are regulars there. – Stephen Collins
Jim Starlin It’s a real honor to have my stories up on the big silver screen, at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. It’s great fun flying out to L.A. for premieres and meeting all the actors and directors. – Jim Starlin
Annie Lowrey Plastic straws might be everything terrible about American consumerism, individually wrapped. But paper straws put the lie to the belief that we can consume our way out of the problems created by consumerism. – Annie Lowrey
Alex de Minaur I am a strong believer in looking at the positives of everything and setting up your image for the long-term. – Alex de Minaur
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