James Broughton And to Shakespeare I owe my vision of the world as a theater, wherein all humans are acting out their parts. – James Broughton Acting Quotes Humans Quotes Owe Quotes Shakespeare Quotes Theater Quotes Vision Quotes Dance, vaudeville, drama, movies – as a child I loved everything that went on in a theater. My earliest poems sing of the absolute necessity of allowing love to invade and pervade one’s life. That can make the miracle happen in reality. Try it.
John Abizaid We’ve got to ensure that the quality and the capability of these forces will be good enough to withstand the challenges that the insurgents and the terrorists will present to the new Iraqi government. – John Abizaid
Marc Jacobs I’m someone who came to Paris as a teenager, and I dreamed of coming back to Paris as a visitor. I never dreamed of having a job at the biggest luxury house in Paris and, you know, 15 odd years later, I’m still here. – Marc Jacobs
Anne M MulcahyLeadership Not everybody is created equal, and it’s important for companies to identify those high potentials and treat them differently, accelerate their development and pay them more. That process is so incredibly important to developing first-class leadership in a company. – Anne M Mulcahy
Anne McClain Sometimes we focus too much on our differences, but when we all look up into space, we see the same stars and we see the same sun. It really can be unifying. – Anne McClain
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