M Night Shyamalan Anime is intended to have ambiguous features. That’s part of the art form. – M Night Shyamalan Ambiguous Quotes Anime Quotes Art Quotes Features Quotes Form Quotes Intended Quotes Over the course of history, the people who are not scared go into the woods and are mauled by a bear, are not going to survive. The Last Airbender’ is genetically engineered for me. I love martial arts. I study it. The movie’s based on a lot of Buddhist and Hindu philosophy. I was raised Hindu.
Lawrence Kohlberg It seems obvious that moral stages must primarily be the products of the child’s interaction with others rather than the direct unfolding of biological or neurological structures. – Lawrence Kohlberg
FearMadame de Stael Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end. – Madame de Stael
Ella Wheeler WilcoxSmile And the smile that is worth the praises of earth is the smile that shines through tears. – Ella Wheeler Wilcox
KnowledgePericlesPower Having knowledge but lacking the power to express it clearly is no better than never having any ideas at all. – Pericles
Philomena Kwao Growing up, I had body confidence issues, not really so much because of size but my skin color. I had trouble recognizing that the depth of my skin tone is really beautiful because whenever people referred to a beautiful black-skinned woman, you’d see Beyonce and Rihanna. – Philomena Kwao
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