Arleigh Burke Any commander who fails to exceed his authority is not of much use to his subordinates. – Arleigh Burke Authority Quotes Commander Quotes Exceed Quotes Fails Quotes Subordinates Quotes There never is a convenient place to fight a war when the other man starts it. The major deterrent to war is in a man’s mind.
Sophia Bush I have walked away from friendships when I’ve realized that someone smiles to someone’s face and talks about them the minute they walk out of a room. I have no room in my life for that kind of negative energy anymore. – Sophia Bush
AloneIan Watson The fact is that most ‘Irish-Americans’, in spite of dropping the word ‘Irish’ into half of all sentences, couldn’t find Europe on an atlas, let alone Ireland. – Ian Watson
Peggy Johnson When text messaging first came out, you could only text within your network, whatever operator you had. It seems silly now, but once those walls came down, all sorts of applications and services were built on top of that. It ended up being good for everybody. – Peggy Johnson
LegalLuis Gutierrez We should encourage people who have lived here peacefully for years to earn legal status over time. – Luis Gutierrez
Claire Danes I’m so impressed by Jennifer Lawrence and Carey Mulligan. They have this exquisite taste. They are very gifted in their ability to make great choices. – Claire Danes
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