Spike Lee Any film I do is not going to change the way black women have been portrayed, or black people have been portrayed, in cinema since the days of D.W. Griffith. – Spike Lee Black Quotes Change Quotes Cinema Quotes Days Quotes Dw Quotes Film Quotes Griffith Quotes People Quotes Portrayed Quotes Women Quotes A lot of times, we censor ourselves before the censor even gets there. I’m just trying to tell a good story and make thought-provoking, entertaining films. I just try and draw upon the great culture we have as a people, from music, novels, the streets.
Jamie Hewlett I see the ‘z’ in ‘Humanz’ as referring to robots, AI, programming, brainwashing, indoctrination. And it’s a question to us: are we human, or are we humanz? Have we lost the ability to think for ourselves? Do we just believe what we’re told? That’s how I see it. – Jamie Hewlett
David Rudisha It’s not good to focus on one person or two persons about being your rivals. The important thing is just to train hard and be ready for the competition and to prepare for the races so that in case of anything that comes out, you are able to handle it. – David Rudisha
Loudon Wainwright III I was a smoker for years. Occasionally I slip and have a cigarette. Remarkably, my voice has held up. I’m grateful, obviously. But I don’t gargle with honey and ground-up bird eggs. I have no secrets. – Loudon Wainwright III
Flavor Flav What I’m trying to do is put back into rap music what’s missing – which is the good part, the fun part, that party part. – Flavor Flav
Karine Jean-Pierre By defying our country’s commitment to free and fair elections, Trump is defying our entire democracy. After all, what is democracy if not the ability to freely and fairly elect your leaders and hold them accountable? – Karine Jean-Pierre
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