Jorge Luis BorgesLife Any life is made up of a single moment, the moment in which a man finds out, once and for all, who he is. – Jorge Luis Borges Life Quotes Moment Quotes Single Quotes I am I plus my circumstances. All of life is peaks and valleys. Don’t let the peaks get too high and the valleys too low.
Sophie Ellis-Bextor I think there’s quite a lot of cowardice in music. I don’t mind if it goes wrong, I just want to go for it. – Sophie Ellis-Bextor
Sheri L Dew There will be days when you feel defeated, exhausted, and plain old beat-up by life’s whiplash. People you love will disappoint you – and you will disappoint them. You’ll probably struggle with some kind of mortal appetite. Some days it will feel as though the veil between Heaven and Earth is made of reinforced concrete. – Sheri L Dew
Frankie Boyle I loved the idea of Bowie as an artist, with his Burroughsian cut-up technique, creating these undecipherable, abstract songs, where we all projected our own meanings onto his jarring word choices and unexpected chord changes. – Frankie Boyle
Christina Baker Kline Book clubs, both online and in person, have become a large percentage of the reading public, and many of them won’t consider reading books in hardcover. – Christina Baker Kline
FitnessJack Wilshere Being injured, coming back, playing a few games, trying to get your fitness back, getting injured again – you don’t get a chance to prove what you can do. – Jack Wilshere
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