Sid Sriram Any musical output is emotional. – Sid Sriram Emotional Quotes Musical Quotes Output Quotes My goal is to communicate how powerful the breaking down of artistic barriers can be when grounded in thought, intention, and a true understanding of all the forms that are being experimented with. My idea is to take the improvisational excitement that takes place with Carnatic music and juxtapose that in different sonic contexts.
Mike McCue I had been reading magazines a lot, and I love magazines, and so I was always asking myself why is it that these gorgeous articles just don’t translate well to the web? Presentation was one aspect of it. – Mike McCue
Liz Cambage I’ve spent a lot of years confused. Am I straight? Am I bi? Is there something wrong with me that I’m not attracted to girls? Everyone’s always expecting me to be gay. I’m like, ‘No, I love men.’ – Liz Cambage
Sam Gyimah As a child, my mother would read to me late into the night. I didn’t enjoy it at the time but she always used to say that the inheritance she was going to leave us was a good education. – Sam Gyimah
Mija I never really planned on any of this being a career; all I knew for sure was that I wanted to create, I wanted to play music, and I wanted to share music. – Mija
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