Daniel Craig Any voices or fantasies, he lives with. Those are his everyday life things. – Daniel Craig Everyday Quotes Fantasies Quotes Life Quotes Lives Quotes Voices Quotes There’s always going to be someone with a bigger toy than yours. You get used to the rejection and you don’t take it personally.
Dambisa Moyo A nascent economy needs a transparent and accountable government and an efficient civil service to help meet social needs. Its people need jobs and a belief in their country’s future. A surfeit of aid has been shown to be unable to help achieve these goals. – Dambisa Moyo
Aldis HodgeHope You have a plantation where you have 10 white people and you have about 50 or 60 black people. The automatic thought was, ‘Why didn’t they raise up? Why didn’t they overpower? They had the numbers.’ But really these people, their hope was broken. Their sense of love was broken. Their appreciation for who they were was broken. – Aldis Hodge
Padgett Powell I know about the sweet home. I went to school with ’em boys, what became Lynyrd Skynyrd; I knew Allen Collins, the skinny girl-beautiful guitarist. I put Allen Collins in every travel piece I do. Travel writing is harrowing, going to Bermuda with a banjo on my knee. – Padgett Powell
Sayani Gupta Although I don’t know if I’ve ever felt like a ‘fan’ of anybody ever in my life, I’ve always loved Shah Rukh Khan. He was the one I loved most, you can say. – Sayani Gupta
MNEK I was someone who knew what they wanted to do for so long. I was always fascinated by music, always a student of pop. – MNEK
Suniel Shetty As a businessman, Sunil Shetty is dumb. His image as a ‘businessman’ is what his partners should have. They deserve all the credit. – Suniel Shetty
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