John Templeton Anybody who had come up with a new concept would have been under suspicion for being out of step with the tradition or out of step with the teachings of the church. – John Templeton Church Quotes Concept Quotes Step Quotes Suspicion Quotes Teachings Quotes Tradition Quotes The question is not is there a God, but is there anything else except God? God is everyone and each of us is a little bit. I’m really convinced that our descendants a century or two from now will look back at us with the same pity that we have toward the people in the field of science two centuries ago.
Kenichi Fukui We pray that every field of science may contribute in bringing happiness – not disaster – to human beings. – Kenichi Fukui
Logic I don’t want to be looked at as just that guy with the best mixtape of the year. I want to be, all-in-all, an incredible musician. – Logic
Jim Root We’re a unique band, so why have a generic producer lumping you in a box with other bands that sound the same? – Jim Root
Sarah Chalke I lived in Vancouver, where they film so many things. So it gave me a good shot at it. – Sarah Chalke
James Sinegal The message is that all brilliance emanates from the top; that the worker on the floor of the store or the factory is insignificant. – James Sinegal
Chris Hemsworth I feel like I’m ready for any dangerous situation that might come my way, provided I have a hammer on me. – Chris Hemsworth
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