Jean Genet Anyone who knows a strange fact shares in its singularity. – Jean Genet Shares Quotes Singularity Quotes Strange Quotes The fame of heroes owes little to the extent of their conquests and all to the success of the tributes paid to them. I give the name violence to a boldness lying idle and enamored of danger.
Ben Silbermann The biggest thing about Pinterest is that people are there saving ideas for their personal lives. Not to rile up other people or make a big statement. – Ben Silbermann
John Twelve Hawks You can’t truly hear your own voice until the shouting around you disappears. New ideas and possibilities – our own ideas, our own possibilities – will occur only when we step away from the Virtual Panopticon. – John Twelve Hawks
Liu Xiaobo In my view, Reform and Opening Up began with the abandonment of the ‘using class struggle as guiding principle’ government policy of the Mao era and, in its place, a commitment to economic development and social harmony. – Liu Xiaobo
Mario Batali My wife Susi and my kids quite simply are the most fun of all my friends. – Mario Batali
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