Anthony Rapp Anyone who loses a parent, you have to find those parts of yourself that your parent held true in themselves, especially if they’re supportive parents. – Anthony Rapp Held Quotes Loses Quotes Parent Quotes Parents Quotes Supportive Quotes TRUE Quotes Everyone tells us you really don’t know what you’re capable of till you’re in the middle of it. I wanted really to make it moment to moment, partly because I’m an actor and that’s how I operate – actors are all about creating the moment.
Aaron Ramsey We’re professional footballers, so we have to go out there and perform as best we can and try and get the results that we want. – Aaron Ramsey
Mena Massoud There is such a peace out in the middle of the desert. There’s nothing like it. – Mena Massoud
Alice EveFamous Everyone’s parents were famous actors at my school, pretty much! I think I went to school with Paris Hilton when I was three. That’s what L.A. is, though – it’s an industry town. You go to school with kids and you think, ‘Well that’s normal, they make movies.’ – Alice Eve
Eva Chen I’ve been trying out all these bronzers, and By Terry has an amazing one called the Bronze Expert. – Eva Chen
Jim Lee I think sometimes with new characters, you can kind of hit a creative valley, and it’s important to recognize when you’re in that valley so you can get back out and get back to that peak. – Jim Lee
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