Noah Baumbach Anyone who’s putting money into your movie would always rather you cast well-known people. – Noah Baumbach Cast Quotes Money Quotes Movie Quotes People Quotes Putting Quotes Wellknown Quotes I get a lot of responses to my movies. Some people say, ‘Oh, I thought it was really funny – I hope that’s okay!’ And my answer always is ‘Yes. It’s totally okay.’ Adaptations are fun for me because they connect to the idea of filmmaking I had when I was a kid. I would see a movie and think: ‘I’m gonna make that movie.’
George Clinton Record companies would rather you stay dumb, not even think of it as a business, so they can either rip you off or get you out of the way in five years to make way for the new groups. – George Clinton
Jasmin Bhasin I think yoga gives me awareness not just about my body from the outside but also about my internal organs. I feel it’s very important because it teaches you self-realization of your body. – Jasmin Bhasin
Taboo I’m half Native American and half Mexican and I support all native peoples around the world. – Taboo
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