Mesut Ozil Arsenal belong as one of the best clubs in the world, and London is a great place to be, a great city to live in. – Mesut Ozil Arsenal Quotes Belong Quotes City Quotes Clubs Quotes Live Quotes London Quotes Anybody can miss a penalty. I’m so proud to play for a big club like Arsenal.
Skip Bayless My colleagues think I’m crazy but my motto is, never miss a day. If we’re taping in L.A., I’ll get up at 2 a.m. to go run. If I’m on the road and the hotel doesn’t have a gym, I’ll find a 24-hour gym. I don’t know how to exist without my workouts. – Skip Bayless
Riya Sen Before social media actually came into play, there were only journalists, who would represent you. If I went to a party, I was written about negatively or sometimes in a positive way as well but it never was the actual thing. – Riya Sen
Henry CloudLeadership I fell in love with the topic of leadership. For three decades, that has been a major focus of my hands-on work: listening to and working with leaders, their teams and their organizations. – Henry Cloud
Derek Carr I don’t really like the business side of football, but I just like adding good players to our football team. – Derek Carr
Pepe At Madrid we are like one big family. We’re all united because we know we have to be, otherwise we’re going nowhere. – Pepe
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