Peter Shaffer Art and literature are my surrogate religions. – Peter Shaffer Art Quotes Literature Quotes Religions Quotes Surrogate Quotes I’d be willing to bet that any incursion throughout history in which the invading country has proclaimed it is bringing benefits to the conquered is based on a lie. I discover what I mean as I write. That can be both terrifically exciting and very dangerous, because when you look at your words later, you wonder, ‘Did I really mean that, or am I just making verbal patterns?’
AgeImtiaz AliMarriage I myself got married at a very young age. It has always intrigued me because marriage is very synthetic in an otherwise natural world. – Imtiaz Ali
Marcus Ericsson You cannot look too much at the result, you need to also look at yourself and what you’ve done, how you have maximised the machinery that you have. – Marcus Ericsson
Johann Lamont I guess it feels to me that the political argument that has been lost in my lifetime is taxation. How do you engage in that debate when people don’t trust politicians at all? It is almost impossible to start a conversation about taxation. – Johann Lamont
Diana RossIndependenceStrength They tell me that it will be hard to find a man strong enough to love my own strength and independence, and not worry about being Mr. Diana Ross, but I disagree. I know absolutely that that man is somewhere out there. – Diana Ross
Francis Parker YockeyLegal Every non-political human grouping of whatever kind, legal, social, religious, economic or other becomes at last political if it creates an opposition deep enough to range men against one another as enemies. – Francis Parker Yockey
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