Jr Art is not meant to change the world. – JR Art Quotes Change Quotes Meant Quotes Most of the time, people look at a piece of art online when it is just a few blocks from their house. Changing the way you walk home everyday fills life with surprises. I grew up in the suburbs, a calm suburb, without tension, with working-class and middle-class people mixed together.
John Burroughs How many thorns of human nature are bristling conceits, buds of promise grown sharp for want of congenial climate. – John Burroughs
Harper Reed The team that I had built was all white dudes with the same perspective on things that was at times comfortable and easy, but we weren’t as innovative as our competitors. – Harper Reed
Hope Davis I do smaller films, I’m not getting big paydays. I feel like we’re just kind of scraping together here. – Hope Davis
Jimmy O Yang To get noticed you need to work a lot and have a bit of luck. And I’m here to say that it’s possible. – Jimmy O Yang
Katherine Jenkins My idol was Marilyn Monroe, who was a size 16, I think, and curvy in all the right places. I will never be stick thin. I remember a shoot where I had to get into these tiny hot pants, and I thought, ‘God, I wish I hadn’t eaten.’ – Katherine Jenkins
Jamal Murray Life is a weird thing because it puts roadblocks in front of you, sometimes you gotta go through it, sometimes you gotta go around it, sometimes you gotta take a pause and look back at what you’re gonna do, have a plan. – Jamal Murray
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