ArtSeph Lawless Art isn’t complete until it’s shared. – Seph Lawless Art Quotes Complete Quotes Shared Quotes The art of reading between the lines is as old as manipulated information. What is art but a way of seeing?
Claire Bloom Film is different for me now. If the money is good and it’s not totally revolting, I’ll do it. – Claire Bloom
Ben Stokes Captaincy did not change me as a player whatsoever, when I had the ball in my hand, I operated in the same manner like I always do. – Ben Stokes
Ha Ha Clinton-Dix The league is crazy. It’s hard to win in this league, and you have teams coming at you every week with players just as good as you. – Ha Ha Clinton-Dix
Seymour Hersh I happen to write a lot of stories that make Kissinger look bad. I’d rather that the stories weren’t true, but they all happen to be true. – Seymour Hersh
Honor Blackman No More Avengers! There’s nothing new to get out of it – I want to go forward, not backward. – Honor Blackman
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