DreamsSmokey Robinson As a kid, this is what I wanted my life to be. Not in my wildest dreams did I ever dare to dream that it would be this. – Smokey Robinson Dream Quotes Dreams Quotes Kid Quotes Life Quotes Wildest Quotes It has been my observation that parents kill more dreams than anybody. Most of us accept that although we may believe our dreams to be real events, upon waking, we can tell the difference between nocturnal hallucinations and reality.
Robert Burns I have often thought that if a well-grounded affection be not really a part of virtue, it is something extremely akin to it. – Robert Burns
Michael Arden I found that the same things I loved about performing were the things I liked about directing and creating a piece – striking a chord that was in tune with the world and was reflecting back what I saw, just from a different angle. – Michael Arden
Russell Smith Wear your clothes with abandon, I say; don’t keep them pristine as if for museums: They are meant to wear out. Then you get to buy new ones. – Russell Smith
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