Bennet Omalu As a physician, I’m somewhat an advocate of patients. How come, before Mike Webster, no NFL player was told or knew that there was an intrinsic risk of brain damage from playing football? – Bennet Omalu Advocate Quotes Brain Quotes Damage Quotes Football Quotes Intrinsic Quotes Mike Quotes Nfl Quotes Patients Quotes Physician Quotes Player Quotes Playing Quotes Risk Quotes Told Quotes Webster Quotes Yes, the concept that blunt-force trauma of the head causes brain damage is a generally accepted principle of medicine. That is why I was so appalled by the NFL doctors who were denying my work. Chronic means long term. Traumatic means associated with trauma. Encephalopathy means a bad brain.
Jenna Fischer Well, now that I have a baby, I’m that person who’s looking for all the parks. I’m also the person who lost their coat because I was juggling so many items. So I’m that person: I lost my coat, I lost my scarf, and it’s cold now. – Jenna Fischer
Alfred Molina When I get home after being away for work, my wife always stuffs the fridge with loads of what she calls ‘nibbles’ – all the great things you can eat straight from the fridge, like chunks of cheese, slices of ham, bowls of hummus. – Alfred Molina
Matt Duffer That’s something that Stephen King always has in his works. There’s a human villain who’s just as bad, if not worse than the supernatural one. – Matt Duffer
Ellen Burstyn When we did ‘The Last Picture Show,’ the whole cast was unknowns, and we all got careers from it. Well, I don’t think this could be done now. – Ellen Burstyn
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Every reform, however necessary, will by weak minds be carried to an excess, that itself will need reforming. – Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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