Bill Goldberg As a professional wrestler, it’s not my position to be the booker, to formulate a match, unless you’re asked to do that. – Bill Goldberg Booker Quotes Formulate Quotes Match Quotes Position Quotes Professional Quotes Wrestler Quotes The reality is that a lot of these bad things that happen in the wrestling business, 90 percent are because of certain people’s egos. There’s no question about that. If whatever we do changes one person’s opinion, gets one person’s readiness better than it was before, or at the end of the day entertains people, than we’ve done our job.
Rashid Johnson When I was younger, I would see shea butter being sold on the street, and I was interested how people were still coating themselves in the theater of Africanism. You see that in dashikis and hairstyles and music. – Rashid Johnson
Karen Pence My main thing was – how could God put this desire in my heart and not bring me kids? It made me question Him a lot. I kept thinking we’d be these great parents. ‘We’re ready. We want kids. Why don’t You bring us kids?’ – Karen Pence
Martha Nussbaum We are not just bundles of atoms being pushed around. But, there’s something spiritual about us whether we give that a religious interpretation or not. And so, it’s that sense of there being dignity to life that I associate with the word God. I mean, that’s probably a pretty radical and agnostic way of interpreting it. But, that’s what I think. – Martha Nussbaum
Ice Cube I still enjoy doing music. I’m not going to stop doing it, and doing it the way that I feel it should be done. – Ice Cube
Laura Kuenssberg People are deciding – if they don’t like a particular point of view or a particular paper, it goes out of business. – Laura Kuenssberg
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