Nancy Grace As a prosecutor, I got a paycheck for coming to work every day. I didn’t get a promotion when I won, and I didn’t get a demotion when I did a bad job. – Nancy Grace Bad Quotes Coming Quotes Day Quotes Demotion Quotes Job Quotes Paycheck Quotes Promotion Quotes Prosecutor Quotes I was 47 when I got pregnant. I’d been trying for a couple of years and thought it would never happen. If I listened to my critics, I would still be at home under my bed right now.
Anastasia Soare If you hair is dense, you’re lucky! All you need is a pair of Precision Tweezers to remove stray hair and a trace of Brow Wiz pencil to perfect and clean up edges. – Anastasia Soare
Dawn Foster The homeless often feel invisible, allowed to plummet through widening holes in the social safety net, then hidden in doorways from which people avert their eyes. – Dawn Foster
Claire Danes You know, let a few years go by until I hit my midlife crisis. Then that can be documented on film. – Claire Danes
Norman Davies Nowadays, it is no longer possible to maintain that the Nazi-Soviet pact of 23 August 1939 was a fiction invented by bourgeois-imperialist enemies. Everyone has seen the film clips of Herr Ribbentrop landing in Moscow, and of Stalin smiling broadly as Ribbentrop and Molotov signed up side by side. – Norman Davies
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