ComputersDave Parnas As a rule, software systems do not work well until they have been used, and have failed repeatedly, in real applications. – Dave Parnas Applications Quotes Computers Quotes Failed Quotes Real Quotes Repeatedly Quotes Rule Quotes Software Quotes Systems Quotes There were no PCs when I started programming on computers. I am not the only person who uses his computer mainly for the purpose of diddling with his computer.
Narciso Rodriguez The thing about Parsons compared to the other schools is that it really teaches you how to be a designer, whereas some of the other schools teach you to sketch or teach you the technical skills. But the curriculum at Parsons when I was there was how do you put a collection together, as well as all the technical stuff. It’s the best training. – Narciso Rodriguez
Piers Anthony It would be easier to write a novel without reader input, but I feel the fiction is richer for it. – Piers Anthony
Alexander Ovechkin If I have a bad game, coaches, teammates tell me not to worry, next game I’ll score. When people tell you this, it makes you comfortable. – Alexander Ovechkin
Rian Johnson Ray Bradbury was the first author that I was really exposed to back in grade school. I’m a big Philip K. Dick fan, but the emotion and humanity that Bradbury brings to his stories and the way he uses sci-fi to get at the human heart is something that’s unique and for me incredibly influential. – Rian Johnson
Barry Sanders If I could start with anybody, I would initially draft Tom Brady. Then I would go get Ray Lewis, and then maybe an offensive lineman, or somebody like Adrian Peterson. – Barry Sanders
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