Rodman Philbrick As a young, ambitious novelist, writing for kids never crossed my mind. – Rodman Philbrick Ambitious Quotes Crossed Quotes Kids Quotes Mind Quotes Novelist Quotes Writing Quotes Soon after publishing a book for kids, my mailbox began to fill with letters from children all across America. Not because my novels for young readers are bestsellers – they’re not by a long shot – but because today’s kids love to write to authors. What surprised me most about the Donner tragedy was that, given the terrible circumstances, how anyone survived at all.
Kyrie Irving Guys like Josh Gordon need to stay in his sport and mind his own business. – Kyrie Irving
Steve Miller The way it worked was my mom came from a musical family, and my dad didn’t – he was a pathologist. – Steve Miller
Simon Baker When I have to play the same role every day, I have the flexibility to play the character in so many different ways. It’s almost like playing five different roles. – Simon Baker
Raj Thackeray England pulled out from the European Union (EU) out of anger, as locals there were not getting jobs. They also have no work like Maharashtrian youth, as ‘outsiders’ had grabbed all the opportunities. – Raj Thackeray
Jack Ramsay I wanted to become a college coach. I got game films of all the good college coaches – Pete Newell at California, Eddie Donovan with St. Bonaventure, Ken Loeffler at LaSalle. – Jack Ramsay
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