Jason McCourty As an athlete, as a person, you are looking for motivation wherever you can find it. – Jason McCourty Athlete Quotes Motivation Quotes Person Quotes As an older player, I really look forward to and love being able to mentor younger guys and be able to help them grow as well as going in there competing and trying to win games.
John Banville We writers are shy, nocturnal creatures. Push us into the light and the light blinds us. – John Banville
Elon Musk I think there should be regulations on social media to the degree that it negatively affects the public good. – Elon Musk
Ellie Simmonds I didn’t just swim when I was younger. I did ballet, horse riding, everything. I was very active. – Ellie Simmonds
Mary Wesley It was pretty awful for us children because we never really knew the local children. Mother was keen for us to learn languages, so our travels took us to France and Italy, as well as the West Country. – Mary Wesley
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