Clayton Kershaw As competitors, winning is what drives you. – Clayton Kershaw Competitors Quotes Drives Quotes Winning Quotes Things change. Routines change. Things have to change. But change doesn’t mean less. It just means different. You never want to be in a defensive mode or have a defensive mindset. You always want to know that you’re in control as the pitcher, you make him get hits, you’re never passive, always aggressive. If I get beat, I want it to be because I got rocked, got hit hard, never because I walked a couple of guys and before you know it.
Atul Gawande You know, 97 percent of the time, if you come into a hospital, everything goes well. But three percent of the time, we have major complications. – Atul Gawande
Joe Lycett Companies ignoring their customers. I think it’s unforgivable. And I count using a chatbot on your website as ignoring your customers. Stop doing it. – Joe Lycett
Gloria Estefan What’s the point if you make something that’s not you, and you’re successful? You have to perform it the rest of your life. – Gloria Estefan
Ralph Abernathy He told us he was going to take crime out of the streets. He did. He took it into the damn White House. – Ralph Abernathy
Natalia Reyes I mean I do believe there is a responsibility of the entertainment industry in general with everything that is happening with the world, with violence and with climate change and with the stereotypes with Latinos or any community. – Natalia Reyes
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