Peter Temple As far as I am concerned, I write novels, and other people can do the labelling. – Peter Temple Concerned Quotes Labelling Quotes Novels Quotes People Quotes Write Quotes I think if you live in a country, basically you share the dominant values of a country although you may disagree on issues all the time. In writing, I’m totally anti-plans of any kind. All my attempts to plan and plot novels have come to grief, and in expensive ways.
Frank Iero My father gave me one of those small, box-sized travel players when I was a kid and just a handful of records that he had. ‘Zeppelin IV’ was one. ‘The Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl,’ which is just about the worst record ever – you can’t hear anything, just screaming in the background. I think there was maybe, like, an Animals record. – Frank Iero
Mitchell Baker Tech, in the sense of… putting things together, that goes back beyond memory for me. – Mitchell Baker
Harriet Walter I’m very aware that after you’ve played Cleopatra, there’s not a lot that can top that in this sphere, so it means that I want to almost change the sphere I work in rather completely because I will always be comparing it to Cleopatra. – Harriet Walter
Phil Collins Urban Renewal’ was sweet because I’ve been – unfairly, I would say – plonked in the middle of the road because of a handful of songs. It came at a good time for me, because you do take a bit of a browbeating and, as you get older, you become better at accepting it and realizing why it happens. – Phil Collins
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