Jimmy Carl Black As far as me knowing if Frank was a genius – in those days, I thought Einstein was the only genius around. – Jimmy Carl Black Days Quotes Einstein Quotes Frank Quotes Genius Quotes Knowing Quotes Hendrix was big in England. We all became good friends and I am still in touch with Noel Redding. Frank was the BOSS and was not open to anything that was not from his head. There were no arguments about music because if you did, he would show you where the door was. Period.
Eva Amurri I follow 50 people on Instagram who are these humongous families, like five or six kids or whatever, and I just think it’s adorable and so cute. – Eva Amurri
Kate Brown We need to quit arguing about whether the glass is half full or half empty – and instead acknowledge that there’s not quite enough water to go around. – Kate Brown
R J Cutler If ever we deserved a candidate at this moment in our culture, that candidate is Donald Trump. – R J Cutler
Adam Page It’s been pretty wild, but the teaching schedule is a pretty awesome fit for wrestling. No weekends, all summer, and plenty of sick time. – Adam Page
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