Matt McGorry As for my personal style, I like comfort a lot, like jeans and T-shirts. Having been a trainer for so long, I spend a lot of my days in tank tops, shorts, and T-shirts. Still, I do like the occasions where I get to wear suits and make that a thing. – Matt McGorry Comfort Quotes Days Quotes Jeans Quotes Lot Quotes Occasions Quotes Personal Quotes Shorts Quotes Spend Quotes Style Quotes Suits Quotes Tank Quotes Tops Quotes Trainer Quotes Tshirts Quotes Wear Quotes Acting with someone else, I can’t tell how good they are because if I’m doing my job right, I’m just fully invested in everything that person’s saying. It’s nice being liked for playing the nice guy, but it’s also fun to be the funny one.
HumorLionel Trilling Probably it is impossible for humor to be ever a revolutionary weapon. Candide can do little more than generate irony. – Lionel Trilling
Paul Allen As more intelligent computer assistance comes into being, it will amplify human progress. – Paul Allen
Romesh Ranganathan We are entering an age where people can claim to know more about what really happened than the people who were there. Where people will dismiss eyewitness accounts, on the basis of their gut feelings; where they will refute scientific discoveries because the scientist just doesn’t look trustworthy. – Romesh Ranganathan
DesignJohn Hoeven The Keystone XL project has built strong safety measures into its design with the newest technology. Additionally, 80 percent of the new Canadian oil sands are being developed ‘in situ,’ meaning, it has a similar carbon footprint and emissions as conventional oil wells. – John Hoeven
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